2 Replies to “What Happened in 2017 – A Musician’s Look Back”

  1. And THAT is why we bloggers blog! Glad you culled some info that you hadn’t come across before. Music IS certainly part of my world every day, and for those listening, it’s everywhere!

    Nice to see you here, Jesus. Tell your friends to stop by here and we’ll all have a PARTY!!  lol  😉

  2. Hey, This was very informative I found out some stuff I totally missed in 2017. Great recap on some of musics biggest musicians, nice to know stuff. Also the gear roundup really is going to help some of my musically inclined friends, I can know talk to them in their lingo. Really did enjoy the article it was very informative and eye catching, I mean don’t we all love music and isn’t that what makes life so wonderful.
    Great work,

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