8 Replies to “Studio Soundproofing – Options That Won’t Break The Bank!”

  1. I’ve been a professional actor and voice-over artist for a couple decades now too, Nuttanee, so I know what you’re up against.

    I’ve personally bought the Blue “Snowball mic” FOUND HERE, to take with me on all vacations, just in case my agent calls with a V/O opp’. It does the job great.

    Then, here’s a trick that works great: if you’re in a hotel on travel, go down & get one of those hanging luggage carts by the front door. Bring it up to your room and HANG YOUR CLOTHES on it. Roll that rack right behind you so you get no bad reflections from the walls.

    Finally put two hotel towels, folded and leaning, on on either side of the mic. This gives you a much more professional, dry sound that producers expect for voice-overs.

    Did that help?!

  2. If you love music, Juliet, there’s no better time to be alive! The vast number of options we have now for instruments, software, hardware… it’s incredible! Heck, you can even record a GREAT album now mostly for FREE, if you already have some instruments. Pretty amazing.

    But as mentioned, you need at least one room dedicated to creating music if it’s important to you, and that means having a modicum of sound absorption strategically placed.

    So get that rug. And remember to have at least one panel on the ceiling, above where you sing, and mix. It’ll make your recorded vocal more coherent and free from flutter echoes and, well… bad stuff!

    Btw, if you’re a vocalist check out my series on singing, starting with THIS POST.

    Hope to see you ’round again!

  3. It’s very common, Chris, for some to use moving blankets to give them some instant sound absorption. I’ve found ’em cheapest at Harbor Freight, or an Army/Navy surplus store.

    You’ll also need bass trapping of some kind if you’re that close to a wall. You’re getting all kinds of bad reflections that way!

    Buy them, as I did, from a reputable source, or… make your own! Here’s a video of a guy who made some with quality source material:

  4. Your creativity blew my mind. Everytime that I have to do a demo for my voiceover, i have to make a trip into the union free facility for it and it is annoying! My husband will love what you put together as well, we will convert one room into this sound proof studio like you suggested. Just a question did you come up with any idea for a portable sound proof studio? Just a question, my fellow actor has a limited space since we live in NYC. If she can get her hands into something small, portable and it works will be a life saver. Very informative post, you have no idea how many times, I struggle trying to record my voice and trying to eliminate the noise, the plane, siren etc. great post

  5. Thanks for this post Teaj, music is the art of combining sounds in a manner agreeable to your ear! I love music, sing and play some music. I could do with a room where there will be no noise interruption, no distractions and no distortion of my music. Thanks for the tip. I really need to get a thick rug for my floor, right now its laminated floor. 

  6. Thanks for visiting our site, Emmanuel!

    Yes, tell your friend all about the good info found here for anyone doing any kind of music. There’s lots to learn and always a story or two to inspire!

  7. This is in good timing – I’ve had to move into the basement apartment under my parent’s house and I’m finding it hard to pull off any sort of recordings at the moment (except late at night, early in the morning!). 

    I feel my main problem at the moment is the wall behind my chair as I’m mastering, smooth and flat and not that far away from the seat backing. I’m unable at the moment to get hold of office partition parts, so I’m wondering if hanging a curtain down the wall will act as some sort of baffle?

  8. Great post and good info.

    I’m not so interested in it, but it is interesting to read it.

    But, it is interesting for a friend of me, who wants a studio, he is a rapper, or he thinks he is, but anyway, I will show him this, so he knows what he can do and how much it can cost.

    Thanks a lot for sharing it!

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