After Decades of G.A.S….it’s Time For a Music Gear Cart!

Okay, so…it might not be the most glamorous thing to write about, but speaking from experience, having a music gear cart for schlepping our beloved items back and forth from gigs can really save the day. Take this case in point….: “Hey, Teaj.”  “Yea, man.” “You guys can’t use the backstage door anymore.” “What? Why …

Bass Mods Bass Review – It’s Pointy! It’s Moldy! It’s Got Alien Grooves!

In 2007, I was in need of another bass. Yes, G.A.S. had struck again, but this time I really did need ‘the right tool for the job’. My only bass at that time was my Steinberger clone which I talk about in THIS ARTICLE. Though I still use it and find it really applicable for certain …

Handmade Acoustic Guitar Makers – Gods Come to Earth?!

“And it came to pass that the Earth was devoid of inspiration and pleasure, and all was grey and silent drudgery beneath the sun. So did the gods decide, ‘Let us descend to Earth, and take upon ourselves the mantle of handmade acoustic guitar makers, that we may lighten man’s load, and bid them make …

PRS Guitars Rock! The Story of my Favorite Axe

For those of you who are not familiar with the now 32-year-young Paul Reed Smith guitar company, hang on to your whammy bars…it’s about to get wild in here! Right outta the gate, let me say that I am not dabbling in hyperbole when I say that this is my favorite guitar that I own. …

Making Music Fun – the Jabberwock is on the Run!

“‘Twas gearig, and the racks of pre-s were wired and winding through I/Os. All sizzle-y were the high 10Ks, and the transients dithered in the ‘phones…” Yes, mutating one of your favorite poems is one way of making music fun – but there are so many others!! In this article, we doff the jester’s cap …

Which Studio Recording Microphone is best?? A Wizard’s Convention Decides….

mic closet

It’s been quite a few years since I was a cooing babe in my mother’s arms, but I’m told that even then I was one to sing out on occasion. Whether that was life’s endless, flowing inspiration or just the earliest iteration of gas…who can say? But one thing is certain: I’ve been singing for …

How to Score Black Friday Musical Instruments – the ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ Way!

Is there ever a day more akin to Christmas to G.A.S. sufferers than Black Friday?? What opportunities!! What inspirations!! What a sudden glut of zeros on our bank account statement!! So let your love affair begin, and let these tips get you ready to…put a ring on it!! “Who Do Ya Love? Now Who Do …