Hey, all you pro audio aficionados!! Welcome back!
Whether you’re jammin’ in the streets, on a stage, in a studio, or just in your bedroom with your headphones on, we’re glad you’re here to chomp on some more sound salad and join us knee-deep in the audio hoopla!
As we announced in THIS ARTICLE last week, it’s a brand new year here at Seriousgas.com and to celebrate, I have some further great news…
… we’re now rockin’ it out with Musician’s Friend in our corner!!
That’s right – one of the biggest players in the pro audio market is now working with us to bring you the best gear at the best prices possible. We’ve been in dialogue with them about this for months, and the culmination finally landed in the mix yesterday.
Happy G.A.S. Birthday!!
Because of our new partnership, all those with Gear Acquisition Syndrome will be ecstatic to know we’re sticking somethin’ in your Christmas stocking early this year… BEFORE HALLOWEEN even!!
What is it? Well, to celebrate our first bodacious “Year of Gear”, how ’bout this: UP TO TWENTY PERCENT OFF at Musician’s Friend… RIGHT NOW?!!!
Being a long-time M. Friend customer myself, I can tell you that savings of up to 20% don’t come very often. This latest savings opportunity only lasts until October 29th, so click the link below while it’s hot and GO BUY SOMETHIN’!!!
The Choice is Always Yours!
For you Amazon Prime members who are wondering if we’re still going to be letting you link to Amazon, the answer is… YES!
Most of the time, you’ll probably see the same prices on Amazon and Musician’s Friend, since they are almost always set in stone by the manufacturers. When this occurs, it’s obviously a real benefit to use the “free shipping” benefit of Prime.
But Musician’s Friend sometimes gives out savings coupons, like they did to us FOR YOU today. When that happens, it’s time to save a bundle, baby… especially if you’re buying a big-ticket item!
Either way, you’ll find a doorway to both savings here at Seriousgas.
Pay Less, Play More!!
As always, thanks for sharing in our GEAR LOVE here and promoting our celebration of all things music equipment. We appreciate your presence, visits, clicks and comments!
We’ve got lots of new, exciting things planned for the new year, and this new partnership with Musician’s Friend is just the tip of a huge, rockin’ iceberg of fun, savings and audio insights that will propel us headlong up to new musical heights and studio adventures together.
Until then, use Musician’s Friend’s special savings link to bless yourself with what you’re jus’ burnin‘ for. Let us know what YOU bought, and we’ll do the same!