11 Replies to “My Ibanez Acoustic Guitar – The Lure Of Exotic Wood!”

  1. I have this guitar and must say truthfully, that it is the best sounding, looking and whatever other descriptions I may imagine, acoustic I have ever had or played. I won’t sell it, for certain. Joe Walsh played one… Wow!

  2. Great idea, Olonisakin Kehinde!! If you were closer I’d say come take lessons from ME – I’d get ya playin’ like pro in no time!!  😉

    Amazing what a difference the choice of wood can make in a musical instrument, isn’t it?! And they all LOOK so different too.

    Let us know if you start taking music. We’ll be here to cheer you on!!

  3. As a songwriter, Paul, I find you can never have too many TOOLS at your disposal. Because of that, I would say that having at LEAST one acoustic and at LEAST one electric guitar is crucial. I use both all the time in my studio.

    As you build your studio, let me know if I can help. You’ll find many insightful articles here on just that, like THIS ONE.

    As for acoustic bass, if you want FRETLESS then the best is a fully classical upright bass. A word of warning though: they are hugely expensive, usually starting at two or three THOUSAND dollars.

    If you don’t mind frets, then you can snag an electric-acoustic bass cheaply. Check out the post I did on THIS ONE, for example.

    Keep in touch, Paul!

  4. Wow, Netta… I’ve never met a luthier who “re-does” already-made guitars to make them sound better. That’s really cool!!

    With the right skills and deft hands, any old piece of musical junk can become an amazing-sounding masterpiece.

    Reminds me of the “Master’s Hand” story. Ever heard it?? J.D. Sumner is a masterful storyteller who speaks it HERE.

    I’d like to connect with your friend who does these amazing renovations. Tell him to pop over here sometime so I can meet him!!   😉

  5. Hi, Curtis! Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, this guitar is SOOOO beautiful, but so incomprehensibly inexpensive! A perfect gift from an awesome dad like you!  😉

    Anything from the Ibanez EW line will do, but the “Get It NOW” link that I put in this article takes you right to the one that looks the most appealing to me right now, and is the cheapest price new that I can find.

    They are not selling my Ash wood model, but I’m thinking they might bring it back in the future.

    Let your son know about my site. If he’s a player, I KNOW he’ll love it!!

    Happy holiday, Curtis!

  6. Hello,  I love what u see….  I am no much of a guitar person but I know specific woods give superb acoustic properties…  Yes woods like afzelia,  cordia milenii, mahogany and the likes. 

    But sincerely ibanez products are world class with distinct output says my guitar hire friend.  Maybe I will start to take some music lessons myself.  😂

  7. Soft wood is preferred for the top resonant face of an acoustic guitar, since its job is to transduce the vibrations to the rest of the guitar well. 

    The sides and the back of an acoustic are typically hard wood, since they are there for amplifying the sound.

    There’s lots of scientific reasons for this, dealing with free vibration displacement, logarithmic decrements, the metrics of mechanical damping, Young’s Modulus, etc. but the important thing is simply TOP = SOFT, and SIDES & BACK = HARD.

    Appreciate the compliment on the EW guitar. If you want to see my most expensive and BEST acoustic, GO HERE!

    Thanks for stopping by, Darren!!

  8. Wonderful colorful site you have there. Now this is a very detailed information about acoustic guitars and as a guitar lover, I must be curious when I see any information about guitars. 

    Well, am in the middle of thinking about having a music studio and I’ve been thinking about guitars. Do you think that acoustic guitars are better for studios? I have been thinking that electric guitars are the best when it comes to studio recording. Is there good acoustic bass guitar you can recommend for my studio? 

    Thanks a lot for such a helpful information.

  9. Teaj, thank you for sharing your enthusiasm, your knowledge and your joy in the sound and the beauty of your acoustic guitars.  It was a wonderful exploration for me.  

    There are several luthiers in my life and the skill and craftsmanship that goes into the making of one of these beauties is truly amazing to me.  Some of these guys are masters at their work and have waiting-list backlogs that are several years long. 

    One of my heart-people is obsessed with reconfiguring the interior structures of the inexpensive guitars that he purchases (or is given) in an attempt to enhance and enrich the sounds these instruments can produce.   

    Sometimes he emerges from his “cave” with a thing that makes absolutely transcendent sounds.  Lovely!

  10. The wood grain on this guitar is awesome! Very pretty and sounds good too? What more could a person want from an acoustic. My son plays the guitar, both acoustic and electric and he would love this guitar. And, it turns out he needs a new one so this just might be his Christmas present. The price is great for such a quality guitar.

    On another not, I really like you website. Great design and very inviting.

    What other exotic woods do you recommend for acoustics?

    Thank you for the great review and the detailed information.

  11. I found this post very informative, I am not a guitar player but do admire the acoustics they provide us. Your guitar is really awesome but what I really wanted to know is this.

    What is the djfference In Sounds when you use different wood? Is hard wood or soft wood better ? 

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