It’s what you want when you’re flying.
It’s what you want people’s mental faculties to have.
And according to all my friends when I was still dating, it’s what girls want in a guy’s financial plan.
Well, that wasn’t always the case for me as a traveling musician (understatement?), but there was one area in which I was always secure and steady…
My keyboard stands!!
So today, let me share with you what’s worked for me through the decades. Then we’ll show the best specific models out there right now for you to pick up.
Sounds like a plan!!
Questioning the Crucials
There’s certain things I always ask when I’m getting ready to buy a keyboard stand.
If you were doing the same, I think you’ll benefit from thinking through these issues:

- Will this stand fit my keyboards size?
- Will this stand handle my keyboards weight?
- Can my keyboard be easily knocked off this stand by an oblivious, frenzied guitar player (a question that should be asked much more frequently!)??
- Will this stand give me the legroom I need??
- Does this stand provide enough for all the foot pedals I use??
- How easy is this stand to transport??
- How quick can I set this stand up??
- Is the stand expandable at all??
- And finally: What do the players who review this stand have to say about it??
If you can answer all these questions according to your own needs, you’ll be well-prepared for making an informed and gratifying purchase.
Based on those questions, the following options are ones that I would buy, or already have bought, myself and feel very confident that they will serve you well.
Time to brace yourself!!
1) Musician’s Gear KBX1 Single-Braced Stand

Okay, first up we have the cheapest stand I could find that still got good reviews – the KBX1.
I didn’t find any single-braced “X”-type stand that got five stars, but honestly that’s what I would expect.
I say that because it’s really easy to knock over an X stand. Unless it has really long feet, which none of them do that I can find.
Still, I have seen this used in live concerts and it does work well if you keep its design shortcomings in mind.
The “X” shape you can make taller, or more squat, by using the spring-loaded handle. It’s easy to do, but don’t try to change it with the keyboard sitting on it. That would be asking for trouble.
Basically, if you have very little money, buy this stand.
If you have a keyboard that doesn’t get moved at all, like, say, in your house, and you don’t have kids or pets running around knock it over, then this is also a good option.
If you play a church gig, where the guitar players don’t do Chuck Berry struts, jump over speakers or do 360s every tenth lick, then you’re probably safe with this stand too.
If you play a church gig where the guitarists DO do those things, then
1) Don’t buy this stand, and
2) Please invite me. Please. LOL
For transport keep in mind that, when folded, it’s still pretty long. If you’re looking for a stand with a small footprint on tour, for example, this isn’t it.
Also, here’s my main beef with X stands: if you have long legs, as I do, your knees will take a beating because they’ll keep hitting the stand legs.
Hate that!!
But again, for the money, with those things in mind, this stand got the best reviews under twenty bucks.
Here are its simple specs:
Item Weight: 5.44 pounds
Item Dimensions: 36 x 4.4 x 3.2″
Shipping Weight: 5.85 pounds
Adjustment settings: 6
If this is your cup of synthy tea, you can get one from MUSICIAN’S FRIEND HERE.
Or, if you have Prime like I do, pick one up from AMAZON HERE, and save the shipping price!
2) Musician’s Gear KBX2 Double-Braced Stand

The KBX2 is the big brother to the kbx1. It’s double-braced instead of single-braced and that makes it a lot more stable.
Personally, I would never buy a single-braced stand. My keyboards are too expensive and I too much to trust singles. I’ve seen keyboards get bumped into too frequently!
So this double-braced stand is a much better option just a little more money.
Now, if the players you gig with really move around a lot, I still would avoid an X stand. But if they’re pretty sedentary, go for it – this will do the job.
Amazon doesn’t carry this double-braced model, but our good pals at THIS MUSICIAN’S FRIEND LINK certainly do, so if X marks your spot, get it there!
3) Yamaha PKBZ1 Z-Style Stand

I am a fan of Z-style stands. I have used one for over two decades. I’ve even seen other musicians bump into my keyboard while on my Z stand.
It didn’t fall. It didn’t wobble. That’s the kind of stability we’re looking for when playing out.
This particular Yamaha stand is the closest thing I can find to what I have.
Notice that with this stand you have with and height adjustments. That’s good versatility, and will enable you to use a variety of keyboards on it.

Another big reason I prefer to use a Z stand when I play live is that I always have two pedals, at least, at my feet. My Z stand always gives me plenty of room to place my pedals where I want them, without my legs bumping into anything either.
The only caveat I have about this stand type is that it’s still not the best bet if you have an 88-key weighted keyboard, or some other board that’s really quite heavy. I wouldn’t trust this for that.
Also, if you are really an energized player who aggressively pounds when you play… It’s probably best to move on to our next choices.
Chillax, dude!
There ARE holes in the arms of this stand for screwing in keyboards so that they remain more stable. The trouble is you have to have holes in your keyboard that will match where the holes are in the stand. Not all will fit correctly.
If your keyboard’s a Yamaha though, there’s a good chance it will fit. It’s recommended to fit keyboards in the PSR, PSR-E, DJX, and EZ Series.
- Dimensions: 29″H x 13.25″D
- Width adjustment: 19.75″ to 35″
Or snag your Yamaha stand through THIS MUSICIAN’S FRIEND LINK.
4) On-Stage WS8550 Heavy-Duty T-Stand
This On-Stage stand is really rugged and versatile. This is the first one I would give thumbs up on for a really heavy keyboard, or one that takes up a lot of real estate.

It folds into a “T” shape and actually becomes quite compact. Pretty amazing for as sturdy as it is!
Great for gigging, but also really good for at-home use if you want stability in the face of pets or kids that like to emulate Mario Kart.
Notice too that we have three dimensions to adjust with this stand: height, width AND depth. You want options?? You got ’em!
This stand is a great choice for those that SIT and play most, or all, of the time. In fact, I’m writing this post specifically for a young lady I know who needs one for her move to Boston where she just landed a swanky new job at Staples’ headquarters. You GO, BECKY!!
She needed the whole shebang, including a bench to sit on (I told her get THIS ONE!) so that she doesn’t lose all the musical progress she’s gained because she doesn’t have the simple accessories.
Also, people that have heavy keyboards, as well as players that really strike their keyboards hard and play aggressively, have said that this stand provided the most sturdy option they’ve ever comes across for the money. By the looks, size & construction of this thing, I believe ’em.
Specs, anyone?!
- Weight Capacity: 250 lb.
- Height Adj: 25″-33″
- Width Adj: 26.5″-45″
- Depth Adj: 17″-27″
- Tubing: 30mm
- Construction: Welded and bolted
- Color: Black Powder Coat Finish
“Prime” your On-Stage deal with free shipping with THIS AMAZON LINK.
THIS MUSICIAN’S FRIEND LINK will serve you well though, if you’re not a Prime member at Amazon.
5) Proline PL402 2-Tier Double X-Braced
Everything we’ve looked at up to this point has been for a single keyboard.

The Proline PL402 is made, out of the box, for TWO keyboards.
This was the cheapest stand, designed for 2 keyboards, that I could find that had good reviews. All four stars and above for this one.
Yes, it is an X Stand, but it’s double-braced, so you should be fine unless you face the dangers I’ve listed earlier. You know… the frenetically thrashing solo guitar player we talked about?!
This is your last option if you want to keep things under a hundred bucks. The next two options will break that ceiling.
I’ve used this particular stand before and I like the flexibility gives for angling the upper keyboard. Sure, you can’t raise or lower the upper arms, only change their angle. But I found how they are positioned to be pleasing.
If you have a real beefy keyboard that stands quite high, then it might be a little tough to see the upper buttons on it when the second keyboard is there. If it’s normal-sized though, you should be fine.
- Double x-brace design
- Locking height and width
- Quick release lever
- Fully-welded contact points
- 2 tiers
- Supports medium to full-size keyboards
Stop your double tiers from flowin’ by using Amazon at THIS PROLINE LINK.
Or make our M.F. comrades happy if you’re not into the free shipping thing by clicking THIS PL402 LINK.
6) Quik-Lok M-91 Monolith Single-Tier
Next up is the only keyboard stand in this list I have NOT used. But I really want to! It looks fantastic!!

It’s the first time I’ve seen this newer, more practical design in a stand. The M-91 folds, and locks, and transports compactly like others we’ve looked at, but when assembled it looks substantially more robust than most stands out there.
And talk about legroom! WOW!!! Get Happy Feet all you want – this stand can take it! And plenty of room for pedals! MANY of ’em!!
If, one day, you want a second-tier installed, that option is available with the M-91.
Not to mention that there’s NO WAY you’ll ever watch your keyboard get knocked to the floor by a wanton, frenetically thrashing “in-the-moment” soloing guitar player.
I’ve been that. I should know. Lol
Add the limited lifetime warranty to the mix, and we’ve got a stand that I would order immediately… if I didn’t already have three! Lol
- Lotsa leg room!
- Adjustable tier height
- Computer-welded, lightweight steel
- Folds and locks in seconds
- Compact & transportable
- Optional second tier set
- Limited lifetime warranty

Carrying this stand is quite different than I’ve done with any other stand I’ve owned.
It also takes up more room in your transport vehicle than others on this list, but if stability is important to you and you’re NOT tight for space, this product rocks!
To get one for yourself, take your pick of THIS MUSICIAN’S FRIEND LINK, or…
7) Standtastic 103KSB 60″ Triple-Tier Keyboard Stand
Alright, here it is: the last pick on my list.
Did I save the best for last? OOOoooh, yea, baby!!

I have had this 103KSB 60″ since 1990! It’s my favorite stand if I’m going to play with more than one keyboard.
This thing is so stable you could throw it in with Optimus Prime, Megatron and Bumblebee and it would still remain UN-transformed!!
Rock solid, man. Totally.
It takes up a little more real estate than your average keyboard stand, but I, for one, have never minded. Its tough, anchored, reliable design has always left me carefree about my keyboards, and that’s what counts.
Not to mention that it looks SO incredibly cool and boss when all my keys are up on this monster and we’re cookin’ live! Oooooo, can’t you just feel its eminence?!!
One way that I’ve also used this stand is to have two keyboards on it, but on the top arms put a long strip of wood on which I can place any sound modules, rack units or midi routers that I might want to use for the show.
Not to mention that stuffed caricature doll of Keith Emerson that sits staring at the audience!
For as strong as this stand is, it’s really cool that folds down to a bit more than a javelin. Yeah, it’s 60 inches long, but folded up its width is only 4 inches and depth only three. Basically, if you can fit a long plank of wood in your car, you can fit this.
In a nutshell, this beast is rock solid, even for pounding keyboardist GORILLAS!
It comes with a padded carrying bag too which I’m very jealous about – when I BOUGHT it, in 1990, it did NOT come with a case. Not fair! Lol
The angle adjustments really help. Not a flick of flimsiness here, folks. Just brawny, able-bodied stability and versatility, all in one unit. Without question, my best pick of the bunch! It’s anything and everything I’ve ever wanted in a stand.
Looks like Amazon is missing out on the best keyboard stand I’ve ever used, but have no fear… M.F. is here! Get your own epic stand at THIS STANDTASTIC LINK!
Take A Stand!!
So there you go – seven awesome options if you’re in the market for a stand that will not only help you play your keyboard well, but also keep it safe from musical marauders, to varying degrees.

What do you think? Itching to get one of these? Already have one or more?? Got a favorite that I didn’t list??? Let us know in the Comments section. We always like to hear from real players like you, and like ourselves, about real world gear experience!
Oh, and if you’re new to the whole “buying online” thing, check out THIS ARTICLE I did which should help you find great deals on what you’re just aching for!
Until our next post, hope you’re havin’ a slammin’ great day creating some jammin’ new music. That’s what this gear is all about anyway, right?!
Now, go… make… sounds!!

Good question, ohmyjean. There’s a simple solution if your cousin is having that issue – buy a taller seat!!
Not many of the synth stands are made to be used with, say, your average piano bench style seat. There are hundreds of stool, bench and seat types out there, many of them very affordable, that would instantly allow him to sit using the M-91. For example, THIS MUSICIAN STOOL is a fantastic value.
And if he ever wanted to stand, then he could just raise the stand a few notches.
Hope that helps. Thanks for the question!!
I like this article. It’s very informative. I recently had a conversation with my cousin (who is a band member) and we talked about how he enjoys the gigs they have with his fellow band members. He mentioned about the keyboardist’s concern on his Kawai ES8’s QuikLok M-91 stand. It’s too tall for sitting. With the ES8’s thickness and the M-91 at the lowest setting, the keyboard is just a bit too tall. It’s more or less 40 inches from the floor to the white keys. Do you think the M-91 is designed primarily for standing and skinny keyboards?
Good to hear, Sammy! Usually the sitting benches are sold separately. I’ve never seen a bench and stand sold as a pair.
You could definitely put a nice bench with the Yamaha or OnStage stands and it wouldn’t look out of place at all. I did that when I had my 88-key Roland weighted-action controller. Until it died one day and Roland said they had no parts to fix it. Whehhhhh!!! I hated that!!
Keep up the good music!
You’re very welcome, Ilaisaane! Thanks for coming to our site to get your links to the best gear we can find!!
Keep up that singing, and, yea… avoid the DRUNK PEOPLE at all costs!! Lol
No doubt, Fyre! No DOUBT!! LOL
I’m glad it’s entertaining, ‘cuz, you know… writing about keyboard stands isn’t exactly all that SEXY, if ya know what I mean!
Glad to have a singer on site – welcome!! Lemme know what you think about our “how to sing” series thus far when you get a chance. Check it out HERE!
You got it, Geoffrey! Thanks for stopping by, and let us know which one you decide to go with and why. We all love a good gear story!
I LOVE to play our grand piano in our living room. I’ve learned a HUGE amount from Elton John’s, Billy Joel’s and Paul McCartney’s music. They are the MASTERS at bringing a GREAT song to life on a real piano!!
I have seen some keyboard stands and most of these nice ones listed here are mostly for gigs and moveable situations.
I was hoping to see some with a sitting bench that are used for permanent positions like in a house or classical events. A type like this is the Yamaha L2C keyboard stand. This type though being expensive, can’t be knocked off but they are custom made for a particular keyboard size alone.
However, I enjoyed reading this review about keyboards stands. I really got to realize some cons about some stands I wasn’t aware of and when next I want to purchase a keyboard stand, I know what to look out for!
Great job!
my husband as an avid musician. He plays bass, both electric and acoustic guitars, as well and I sing so we get to jam sometimes with his muso friends. He has a keyboard, and has had to change his stands quite a few times. I think the last one he used was the KBX2 Double-Braced Stand.
He started off using a KBX1 and as you say, it was not stable enough, and especially when there are wild drunk people dancing and wanting to his keyboard with him (some of their gigs can be a bit wild).
I saw your review on the Quik-Lok M-91 Monolith Single-Tier, and I agree with you it looks fantastic and very easy to pack and carry. I think I found what I can get him for his birthday, so thanks for this great info
If you are looking for The 7 Best Keyboard Stands of 2019 you have definitely landed in the right place to be a solid Synth-er! Haha I love that! This might be the best if not, the most entertaining keyboard stand review I’ve ever read. The video definitely made me smile as well.
As a *cough* groupy and, a singer since the 80’s your keen X stand insights had me laughing. Now, I haven’t personally knocked one down however, I have saved a few with my butt, yes, my butt!—from crashing down during a performance!
If you have 3 keyboards I would definitely go for Teaj’s rock-solid choice of Standtastic 103KSB 60″ Triple-Tier Keyboard Stand. Musical instruments are not cheap and, my friends and myself will always spend a bit more to protect our investments!
Teaj, I hope this company sees your article, you deserve that padded carrying case! It should be Grand-fathered in! *chuckles*
Thank you for the article on the 7 best keyboard stands of 2019. I have been looking for a keyboard stand for a while now. I’m so glad that I stumbled upon your site. Your choices are researched well and are not a bad price. I will make sure to share this post with all my keyboard loving friends. Thank for the article
I have played the keyboard but didn’t have to purchase a stand so I never did any major research in this area. That said, I really enjoyed this post, really well written with great information, recommendations and humorous- I chuckled a bit picturing the crazy guitarist jumping around the stage becoming a hazard to his fellow band members lol. Do you enjoy playing the piano as well or you stick to keyboards generally?