4 Replies to ““Hey, Mr. Colaiuta – what’s the best beginner snare drum, ya think??””

  1. Thank you for reading! Yea, I try to make the blog not only informative, but FUN! Since we tend to go back to things that are enjoyable, maybe I’ll see people just like you, Steph…again!

  2. Great to hear from you, Vennick! If you’re interested in playing drums, it’s NEVER TOO LATE! And thanks to some selling websites these days, you can get a STEAL for little money. For example, I picked up my first drum kit for only $270 off of Craigslist! That was for a kick, snare, three toms, all the hardware, 5 cymbals and even a rolling cart/box to haul them all in for gigs! Amazing!!!

    Definitely read these two other posts on my site and I believe your questions will be answered:

    – How to buy music gear online

    – Discount Music Gear

    If you still have questions after those, lemme know and I’ll answer anything else you might be uncertain about. I love to help! Maybe that’s why I teach.  😉

  3. I love your enthusiasm and humor that jumps out as you read this article! You make picking the right snare drum, a snap. And a joy.

    Showcasing the many variations of snares simplifies the research process of choosing which route to go. Personally, the Baywatch snare is pretty amazing.

    Thank you for such an informative article!

  4. Wow! Thankyou for the awesome post and overall site. I have always been interested in actually playing the drums. I have always been banging sticks on them just for fun. I didn’t even know what the snare was until this, honestly!
    Though, what drum purchasing platform should I use? Would it be better to buy from Amazon with your insight or go to a music store with the store clerk’s changing advice?

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