What Is A Partscaster? – An Axe That’s Truly… YOU!!


I love the Internet, don’t you?! Not only can you find INSTANTLY information on whatever your muse is wooing you towards, you can truly, if you want, get educated on a myriad of interests, no matter how offbeat or eccentric. Take today’s post, for example: “What is a Partscaster??” is a question I had never …

What Is The Best Acoustic Guitar For Beginners?? – Ya Gotta Start Somewhere!

Guitar girl taking in the sky CARTOONED

My very first car was not a Porsche. Not even close! It was an Oldsmobile “Delta 88”: Light brown, except for the lower side panels, where they’d scraped off a ton of rust, spread it with epoxy and painted it black!!  lol But I didn’t care, ‘cuz sometimes, you’ve just gotta go with something a …

My Ibanez Acoustic Guitar – The Lure Of Exotic Wood!

Ibanez acoustic Infinity Inlay CARTOONED

“Afzelia Xylay.” “Chakte Viga.” “Cocobolo.” “TZALAM!” Am I shouting to you a Bat’leth challenge in Klingon??! I am not. (I shamedly say I have not yet earned the right to carry that curved blade of honor through ritual, adjudicated combat in the Klingon Training Academy. Plus… I’m past the Age of Ascension.) But I digress… …

The Wishbass – Boomin’ In A Pseudopod Embrace!

Roxie the Mantis likes Wishbass! CARTOONED

You’ve probably never heard any musician utter this sentence in your life, so prepare for a moment to remember… You ready?? My Wishbass looks like an amoeba. See. Told ya. 😉 As you can see by the pic on the left, my particular Wishbass is quite… well, different is one way to start the discussion. …

My Telecaster Comparison – A Tale Of Two Tele-s!

Jack & the Telecasters

As Donna Summer put it, we “work hard for the money”. That’s why, when that extreme tidal wave of G.A.S. hits us square in the midcavern, we’ll go looking for the best value in the gear we have a hankerin’ for. In my Telecaster comparison today, we dispel the woodshed whispers and pull back the …

The Telecaster – How A ‘Snow Shovel’ Rocks My World!

Dude with Tele featured image

67 years ago it started. In a flash of inspiration, it was considered. With months of innovation, it was designed. After months of perspiration, the unveiling took place! At long last, the world was allowed to gaze upon, in all its glory… … the “snow shovel”!!! Well, actually, no. It wasn’t a snow shovel. It …